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Urmariţi-ne şi pe pe mediile sociale:

Movie Club in English

TAXĂ DE PARTICIPARE: 30 lei (15 lei pentru membrii asociației)

Sediul Noua Acropolă București: Sâmbătă, 26 martie 2016


Mai multe informaţii şi înscrieri la datele de contact:

031 4052024 Mobil: 0723 332 633


Do you love movies? Do you want to improve your English speaking skills?

This is the club for you, then! You can choose to attend one session or more, it’s up to you. Each session includes educational games and other fun speaking activities, but the main topic for conversation will be a movie. For each week, its own movie.

The opening session of the club shall be held on the 26th of March, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Here’s our first movie suggestion: Pay It Forward (released in 2000). We have already seen it and loved it! We hope you will too. So... watch the movie, and then join us in a lively conversation about it.

The next movie shall be suggested to those of you who wish to continue with other sessions. See you soon!

Duration: several sessions (as many as you like), two hours each.

You can subscribe to this club by e-mail (na-bucuresti@noua-acropola.ro) or by phone: 0740.058.328 (Mirela Mircea)